Living Centered: Growth

Hi everyone 👋

Welcome to the 10th edition of the Living Centered Newsletter.

10 editions! That's an exciting milestone. Thank you for your contribution to this newsletter and for helping it grow.

Speaking of growth, that's what I want to share with you today: the Growth Mindset. This mindset embraces the process of learning and helps us move through our fear.

Let's get to it.


Challenges are all around us. They are a part of life.

When we tackle challenges, we have two outcomes: success or failure. We spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get a successful outcome. So much time, in fact, we could have tackled another challenge or two along the way.

What if we shifted our focus? Instead of being so tied up in outcomes, what if focused on the courage to continue? In all reality, that is the one thing we can take with us from challenge to challenge.

We take the courage to continue.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill


Each of us has a mindset that impacts our view of the challenges we face in life.

One of these mindsets embraces each challenge and views them as an opportunity to grow. The other avoids anything that remotely smells like a challenge at all costs.

Which one do you have?

Embrace the Growth Mindset
Each of us has a mindset that impacts our view of challenges in life. One of these mindsets embraces each challenge; the other avoids them at all costs. Which one do you have?

Thank you for reading! I appreciate you spending your time with me.

If you have someone in mind who would enjoy this, feel free to forward it to them.

Until next time,

