Learning to be an Ally

We all see the needs of people around us and many of us want to help. My goal is to teach my kids to help others by showing them through my example.

Learning to be an Ally

We all see the needs of people around us and many of us want to help.

The definition of an ally is to "combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit." An ally can look like being present with another to support them, standing with them in the midst of tragedy, or being their source of strength when needed.

Today we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. He asked for allies to unite with him and his message. Being an ally takes courage. It requires us to move through fear, to listen well, and to step out in vulnerability. All are values I aspire to embody. The question is, how will I show up to support those around me in need?

I want to teach my kids how to be an ally to others and I want to show them by example. If I can teach them by doing the work I value, maybe I can impart some wisdom to them. At the same time, maybe I can become the person who is an ally to another in need.

Who needs you to be an ally for them today? How can I be an ally for you?