My Reflection: 14 Days of Ship 30 for 30

I've been publishing essays for 2 weeks. Building skills, learning to iterate in public and developing amazing relationships. This is my reflection.

My Reflection: 14 Days of Ship 30 for 30

Today I am reflecting on 14 days of the Ship 30 for 30 challenge. These last 2 weeks have been very exciting and productive. I know I am building new skills and meeting amazing people, but what lessons have I learned? This is my reflection.

I created a Twitter profile on January 2nd. I have published 14 Atomic Essays and sent a total of 88 Tweets with these stats:

  • 14.7k impressions.
  • 1,894 profile visits.
  • 51 mentions.
  • Grown from 1 to 54 followers.

What I'm building:

  • Enhancing my writing skills.
  • Establishing a foundation of content
  • Showing up consistently to publish & iterate.
  • Meeting like-minded people, forming great friendships. and being blown away by the support from the community.

What I'm still working on:

  • Producing content in my own, unique voice. Learning how to share more of my authentic self.
  • Not playing the comparison game. Learning how to embrace my own journey and celebrate with others on theirs.
  • Balance of investing time on Twitter with the rest of life. Learning how focus time to be creative, do the work, develop relationships, and also engage with my other priorities.

Ship 30 for 30 has been amazing! I am so thankful to be a part of this journey with these amazing people. The last 2 weeks have been such a positive impact on me and my writing. I look forward to continuing to build with everyone!

What have you learned over the last 14 days?