Telework & Unicorns

What are your unicorn moments?

Telework & Unicorns

Teleworking has become the new norm. It had been on the rise for years. With the pandemic, it has taken a colossal leap.

We've all seen the benefits:

  • Employees save on average over $4000 per year.
  • No commute means an extra 2-3 workweeks of free time a year.
  • Reduced stress, improved health, etc.

There are so many benefits to working remote its hard to believe we will go back. There is one benefit that often gets overlooked: time with kids. This time provides families with more opportunities to be together and make memories.

Since the pandemic, the time parents and kids have been together has risen exponentially. Both are trying to get their tasks done, attend meetings, and still connect with colleagues/friends.

My 2nd-grade daughter has become my office partner. Since we are both in a lot of meetings, we have to coordinate around each other.

This week for show-and-tell, my daughter presented her ceramic unicorn she painted with her aunt. It ended up being at the exact same time I needed to present in a meeting. I had to tell the meeting organizer, "I can't talk right now, my daughter is presenting her unicorn." She shared her unicorn and then I got back to my meeting.

This led me to realize I had a "unicorn moment". A snapshot in time in my daughter's life that would not have existed if I was in the office.

I decided I am going to seek out more of those moments with my kids. Those memories only possible with working remote.

What are your unicorn moments?