Your Lens of Life: 3 Questions to Ask

We all have our own lens through which we view life. How often do we reflect on our lens and ask if we want to change it?

Your Lens of Life: 3 Questions to Ask
“We must look at the lens through we see the world, as well as the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.”         Stephen R. Covey

We all have our lens through which we view life. This lens impacts how we view the world around us and interpret our experiences.

Through our lens, we make decisions about others, perceive our own value, and look at what life has to offer. If we curate a lens that assumes we are being judged, we'll create enemies. If we curate a lens that views people as helpful, we'll find friends.

We are so busy looking at the world through our lens we don't stop to evaluate it. We don't take a step back and reflect on how it's shaping what we see.

Here are 3 questions to reflect on your own lens:

  1. What do I typically see in the world through my lens?
  2. Do I like this lens I created?
  3. What do I want to change to create a new one?

The lens of our life interprets our view of the world. We can't always change the world around us, but we can always change how we view it.

How is your lens interpreting your world?